Celine Navarro

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What's up | Salomé, Scrapbooking & Essential Oils...

Here I am! A month without blogging...I've been seriously neglecting this space...but with a 2-month-old baby girl, it aint easy! But I'm learning how to (re)organize my life and daily work around this little cute human being of mine.

Salomé arrived in our life on November 18 2015, being 45cm and 2,380kgs. Such a small baby. She's 2-month-old now and is 54kgs and almost 4kg! She's still small but oh Lord, she's beautiful! :) <--- this is the objective mama talking here :)

Every Sunday morning, after her first milk bottle (I stopped brestfeeding. Oh yeah I didn't tell you right? I breastfed. I was the one saying I would never breastfeeding before...and BAM! I breastfed and LOVED IT. I actually cried when I had to stop. Anyway.), we let her join us in our bed to cuddle and kiss. And we ALL love it so much.

After checking with my parents and seeing my maternity photos, we all agree on one thing : Salomé really looks like me when I was a baby! =)

Me on the left | Salomé on the right

We all learn how to live with each other, I try to learn how to listen to her needs, to recognize her different cries, and I just LOVE it when she smiles back at me. What a responsability to be a parent, when you think about it.

Scrapbooking wise, I decided not to renew my contract with Studio Calico. Still love them so very much. And I'll still be teaching over at Big Picture Classes.

I am VERY happy and EXCITED to join the One Little Bird Design creative team, along with Ali Edwards Design for another year (love these girls too much) and, soon, the Blitsy Creative Team. I am so looking forward to these new creative adventures, I'm telling you :)

I'm back on tracks, sport-wise and healthy-wise. Salomé and I walk almost every day (well...I walk...she sleeps...). I am soon starting a new healthy/sport program with a coach : can't wait!

And for the last couple of months, I've been studying Essential oils. I was looking for a natural way to calm my heavy legs and my digestion issues when I was pregnant.

Note : YES, you can use essential oils when you are pregnant. There are only a few EOs you can't use, like Peppermint, but if you know how to use them, if you study them and use pure oils like those from Young Living, so yes, you can use them. 

My long-time-friend, Corinne Delis, that I've been knowing for over a decade I think, posted several times on her Facebook stuff about EOs. Everything was in Dutch. I didn't get a thing so I PMed her and we got to talk about them. I asked her lots of questions, she told me how these oils changed her life. Like, BIG TIME.

Some of you might know Corinne from the time she was a Scrapbooker. We used to be in numerous Design Teams together, like American Crafts or Scrap In Style TV. Then she started her successful photography business.

She was looking for an alternative way for one of her sons, who suffers from autism and ADHD. She was pretty skeptical about it all, but she trusted a friend of hers and ordered her first kit. Since then, the oils really helped her son, but what convinced her was when she applied some oil in her back and felt the pain leave her body : the pain was gone. And she was convinced.

She then started to talk about them all around her, studied them and opened her website in Holland. And now, guess what? She turned it into her FULL TIME JOB!

So. Me. After I listened to her story, I wanted to give it a try. Find a new lifestyle. I ordered my first kit.  And BAM! I am hooked! Bye bye breathing problems I had since I was a kid. Ciao stuff nose. Fare well bad skin and husband's snoring! And I'm not even talking about how good they make me feel in my own body, head and SOUL. It's as simple as that : can't live without them now.

We got rid of tummy cramps thanks to DiGize and V-6 massage oil...

Note : YES, you can essential oils with babies. As long as they are pure like the Young Living EOs, as you read the label and follow the instructions in the good way, yes you can use them.

What I LOVE with Young Living is the community, the fact that you can share your favorite recipes with Young Living users, that they can calm your baby's tummy cramps, stop skin irritations of your husband, or stop a bad headache. I haven't taken any medicine in a while andI'm pretty happy with it. Of course, if my kid gets really sick, we'll go to the doctor and get her treated, but for the everyday's little bugs, they are just perfect... they can go beyond but I won't go into too many details here...

At the beginning, I talked about the oils with family and friends, sold a couple of kits...and I got hooked! I love being in touch with new people, sharing my love for the oils and how good they make me feel, how good they make my family feel, I love sharing with other Young Living lovers, talking about how they can make you feel physically and mentally better.

Anyway, I made a webpage about my passion for Young Living essential oils where you'll find lots of informations!

And talking about business, if you're passionate about essential oils, would like to start your own EO business, it's time to join MY TEAM : OIL OVER THE WORLD! Whether you are from Europe, the US, Asia or South America, we can make this world better, we can teach people to have a better and healthier life! Let's share our love and passion for the oils and join our forces to make this work! I WANT YOU in my team! More info HERE if you're adventurous, hard-worker and passionate about having your own business! :)

Feel free to email me if you have any questions business-wise : celineyoungliving@gmail.com.

Voilà.Some news :)

I'll be back soon!

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