The day I received my Aroma Complete kit from Young Living

I have to say that this whole journey has been crazy. If you've never heard of Young Living before, or have never used essential oils, I have more stories to share with you here, from the day I reeived my starter kit to the day I decided to become an independant wellness consultant. 

When I decided to "try" this new job, I knew opportunities would come (I'm a hard worker) but I would have never thought it would be that fast. From the day I started the business side, it took me 4 months to become a Silver (and winning this awesome set of oils that you can see below, worth over $1200! Over 120 oils, as well as 2 Silver pins to celebrate my work among the Young Living family. Can you tell these made me super proud? I guess you can tell from the smile on my face!

What's the SILVER IN 6 challenge?

It's a challenge among Young Living independant consultants. When you reach the level of Executive, which is already pretty cool (I hit it the first month I got started), you have 6 months to reach Silver and win these amazing pretties! Maintain it for three months in a row and you're invited to the Silver retreat in Mona, Utah, to visit Young Living farms and headquarters, no matter where in the world you live! :D My passeport is ready! I miss the US :D

I hit Silver in May, only 4 months after I got started. Why? Because I work hard. I hustle. I make it happen. Yes. BUT my team rocks. I have a bunch of amazing ladies that believe in this opportunity of wellbeing and wellness, that work hard as well. They're mamas, they're single, they're grandmas, they're bloggers, they're instagrammers, they're nurses, they're EVERYTHING. They are ME. They are YOU. They are THEM. And then, I have an AMAZING Sponsor and BESTIE, Corinne Delis, who has been supporting me every single day of this journey and I'm soooo happy we reconnected through this.

My Aroma Complete kit arrived in August and I can't tell you how happy I was! A wonderful smell escaped from the luggage : amazing!

I have to tell you that there's a pretty magical and grateful feeling when you open the box : you worked hard to make everything happen and, in return you get rewarded. You get a wonderful and so generous "THANK YOU" for your hard work. When was the last time I got thanked, greeted because I worked hard? Because I helped people? Hmmm...gotta think about it a little harder. I lost my self-esteem these past months, you know it, you read about it on this blog. But guess what ? It's back and I'm happier than ever! :)

Thanks to Young Living, my determination, my mojo, my inspiration, my "go-get-it" temper are back! I knew the opportunities would be fun and that I'd be successful if I worked for it, but hey! That fast? in such an amazing way?! Well, I can see Royal Crown Diamond at the end of the road, buddies.


I bought the bottle stickers a while back and decided to use this shelf instead of the luggage because it was easier for me to reach my oils that way.

I also got the Vitality essentiel oils in my box : I already cooked couple of cookies, chocolate cakes and such : follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more recipes!

I need to blog about it but I went to the Young Living European convention in September : I so need to tell you everything about it!! I went there with a girl from my team, got to spend some time with Corinne and other friends and it was awesome!

If you ever think about joining this crazy journey, may it be part time or full time, want to be part of my adventure, YOUR adventure, now it's the time! Not only you are going to love the essential oils because they will make you feel good, but you'll feel useful because you're helping other people feel good. And that's the best reward possible.

Click on the photo below for more info or drop me an email :)


It's been a while.. | SCRAPBOOK POST!
