How to Build Trust as a Solopreneur
Choosing to become a solopreneur is an exciting and life-changing decision. You’re heading out into the world of business solo, and you alone determine the success of your venture. For solopreneurs, personal branding and trustworthiness is everything. Without the safety of a recognized brand or large company behind you, how will you gain the trust of customers and clients?
Here are a few things to consider as you set out on your journey.
Continuously upskill
Customers and clients put their trust in people who showcase expertise. So you can demonstrate your value and potentially increase your earnings by always learning new skills. Time might be tight as a solopreneur, but it’s so worth finding a moment each day to read, practice, or even listen to an industry relevant podcast. Always be learning!
For your audience to think you’re trustworthy, you need to demonstrate integrity. How do you do this? By saying what you mean, and meaning what you say. Communication is everything in the world of solo business.
Are you not going to make that deadline? Tell them in plenty of time.
Got too much work to take their project on? Be upfront about this, rather than cramming the project in and doing a sub-par job of it.
Out of stock? Explain this and quickly find a way to reward their patience.
Your customers will come to realize that you have honesty and integrity and that they can trust you to do the job right.
Photo by from Pexels
Digital presence
In this digital age, a potential client’s first impression of you is often via your website, not in person. Set up a professional and functional business website to generate trust from the start. You should also ensure that your social media profiles radiate professionalism. This doesn’t mean they should lack personality! It just means you should make sure your personal brand, as well as your integrity and trustworthiness, is evident. Never post something you wouldn’t want a potential client to see.
High-quality portfolio
It’s not enough to just say you can deliver positive results, or you’re an expert in a particular field. Demonstrate it. Clients and customers expect to see examples of your work on your website. Nobody likes to buy something if they don’t know what they’re getting! Add a portfolio page to your site to build trust and showcase your skills.
Social proof
Humans are social creatures, and we like to know what other people are doing or thinking. Stick reviews, testimonials, and recognizable brands you’ve worked with on your website. This helps to build subliminal trust by showcasing that other people have trusted you to deliver.
Use a business address
Digital spaces might be important, but that doesn’t make physical space any less vital. Even if you don’t have a physical office, displaying your business address helps to show you are legitimate.
What if you work from home? You really don’t want to put your home address online for clients to find. Get a virtual business address instead.
It all comes down to seeing your business from the perspective of your audience. Reflecting integrity and trustworthiness can mean lots of loyal customers. And who wouldn’t want that?