Time management is a challenge for most people, especially freelancers. Freelancers face many problems when it comes to making the most of their time. As a freelancer, you should be aware of the importance of capitalizing in technology. You are not only managing projects but also several customers and, at the same time, trying to find new work. Therefore time management should be your priority.
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Tips for Managing Time
Be careful when picking clients
In the beginning, your main worry will be finding clients. However, sooner or later, there will come a time when you will have more jobs than you can practically handle. With freelancing, you have the luxury to turn down projects, but this can be dangerous to your future success, especially when the projects are not similar to the career you want to follow.
Freelancers have less project time since most of the projects, for instance, law, take a lot of administrative work, legal set up, invoicing, and overall communications. This is why you should focus on finding clients who will offer a stable flow of daily work, instead of only doing spasmodic jobs now and then. Additionally, some clients can be more stubborn than others. Even if the projects are significant and have potential earnings, weigh how much time is wasted by such clients and avoid them.
Reduce distractions
Skype, Twitter, and other social media platforms can be productivity destroyers and can make you waste valuable time. Try to limit distractions by checking your emails once or twice daily. You might also be lured to check out the most recent news as well as fashions or even see what your friends are doing while you are busy, avoid this since it will hurt your overall efficiency.
Get organized
You can do this by creating a freelance calendar to make sure you are utilizing your time effectively. Life as a freelancer can be hard on you if you don’t know how to get organized. Start by creating a clutter-free workstation to avoid wasting time clearing your workspace all the time.
Create a freelance calendar
Strengthen your efforts to eliminate distractions by scheduling your tasks and workday. A well-planned day can allow you time for lunch and even a walk outside to clear your thoughts. Discipline and time management can be learned. Reduce the stress related to the last-minute rush by endeavoring to complete your tasks according to schedule.
Use a professional phone system
Do you have a business phone? Not all phone services are the same. Choose a customizable, accessible home VoIP phone system from that will help you stay productive and reachable to your clients. A voice over IP phone system will offer the best performance as well as flexibility when compared to a landline. Cloud-based home VoIP phone systems are the most pocket-friendly way for freelancers to take advantage of refined, efficiency-increasing features.
Bottom Line
Freelancing is a job like any other. Set goals and determine what type of clients you want to work for. Additionally, leaving work and working from home can be hard, especially if you are a family person. Set up office hours and communicate with your clients and explain to them the way you work and then stick to it.