As you may have seen, the essential oil market is exploding: wherever you go (supermarkets, pharmacies, online, and even at walmart đŸ˜¬), you can buy essential oils. In addition to the price, which varies from one brand to another, the quality of an essential oil is, of course, a guarantee of decision in the acquisition of a new bottle of plant elixir. At a time when it is essential to consume fair and ethical, I wanted to write this article to enlighten you (or not) on the importance of getting rid of your poor quality essential oils.
Several quality guarantees, in my opinion:
PURITY : when you look at most essential oil bottle labels, you will regularly see "100% pure". Did you know that this does NOT guarantee that there is ONLY essential oil in it? Indeed, there can be 80% pure lavender essential oil and 20% PURE olive oil. We therefore have an essential oil that is not PURE but mixed with ingredients that are certainly pure. But in no case this oil is a 100% extract of essential oil from that plant. And this, guys, already makes a difference in the result: the more diluted your essential oil is, the less effective it will be.
THE PLANT HABITAT : in your opinion, does a plant grow better in a greenhouse or in its natural habitat? In its natural habitat, of course! Today, as a cost-cutting and other measures, essential oil companies work either with international producers with whom it’s difficult (or impossible) to track the origin of their oils and/or they have greenhouses to grow X plants. One of the reasons I chose Young Living as my essential oil brand is that they have farms all over the world to grow the plants in and distill the plants directly on site : Young Living lavender grows in Provence, Ylang Ylang in their farm in Ecuador, Helichrysum in Croatia... etc... And you know what? We can easily visit their farms and distilleries, without any problem! Talk about transparency!
THE ORGANIC LABEL : this is a vast subject that deserves it’s own blogpost. But let’s talk about the European AB label : "for processed products, at least 95% of the ingredients must be from organic farming". (Source: Economie.gouv.fr). There you go. That means that the remaining 5% can be from any other sources, organic or NOT. I invite you to read this article by Carine Penard about organic labels as well (in French).
DISTILLATION : for me, this is where we understand all the power (or not) of the essential oil we have in our hands. You can find essential oils of 1st distillation, but also of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and even 5th distillation. Okay. But what does that mean? First distillation means that your essential oil is distilled only once : you end up with a very pure and powerful product. Let me try to give you an idea of the power of distillation with the example of a Nespresso coffee capsule. You want to drink a very good and strong espresso from your coffee machine. You put a capsule inside your coffee machine and make yourself a warm and powerful drink. That’d be your first distillation. Then, you reuse the same capsule a second time. Hmmm ok the coffee tastes less good and powerful... and you repeat the operation 3, 4, 5 times to finish with a transparent coffee, based on water, without taste and without the powerful effects of caffeine, since it left in the first coffee. Well, distillation is THE SAME. So imagine your essential oil after a 5th distillation. Don't be surprised if you have to use 40 drops in your diffuser to feel any effect. With Young Living, first distillation essential oils ONLY. And this is non-negotiable.
Today, who does not pay attention to the ethics of a company? Okay... some people don't care at all. Not me. For me, the ethics of a company is based on several criteria:
RESPECT FOR MOTHER NATURE : with the 5X5 YL commitment and the Seed to Seal, it is a certainty for me that we are moving in the right direction
RESPECT : of their employees and collaborators
GENEROSITY : Young Living and the Young Living Foundation
Let’s get back to distillation. With a 5th distillation oil, don't be surprised to use 40 drops of essential oil in your diffuser to feel any effect. With an essential oil of first distillation, 3-4 drops are enough! Same for a skin application. And from efficiency, we tend towards price: the fewer drops you use, the longer your bottle lasts.
That's why I chose Young Living, not only for my personal use, but also for the advice I can provide to my family, friends and clients, whether for their personal use or for emotional support.
For me, choosing Young Living was an obvious choice because this company meets all the criteria of excellence for me. In addition to these, I had complete trust in my sponsor, Corinne Delis, a long-time friend known I met during our scrapbooking years and still one of my closest and dearest friends.